I have no knowledge or run out of ideas..?

From here I will explain to you all about the title of this posting.Kalu I think that his name had no knowledge that tiddak possible, but kalu out of ideas could possibly happen, probably because you lack sleep or strees.Out of ideas that actually depends on how we are if you want to make a post.The idea
was very bnyak its kind that is not possible I mentioned 1 / 1.Suppose you again blank or do not know what to post. My suggestion is we just need a little refreshing that can improve our brain and also give us information kepad.Many ways to menumbukan everything from how silly, funny, serious, etc..Sering2 go somewhere good in view or to the bookstore. Can you see any of your buku2 inspired by the title of the book and try to always carry a small note and a pen and write quickly so not too long mngendap in our brain.

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